So as most of you know, I have been married for nearly 4 years. Most people are aware that our journey to parenthood has been a very long bumpy one. We started trying to conceive just shortly after we were married and still have no bundle of joy to spoil. We have kept high hopes through all of this, and have tried to keep a positive attitude about it all. So for those of you who are unfamiliar, here is a short summary of the whole journey.
We got married in November of 2007 and knew immediately that we were both ready to be parents. We started trying on naturally, and after several months of no luck, decided that we would see a doctor. After several tests, I was diagnosed with PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, which causes infertility and an array of other problems for 1 out of 10 women of child bearing age. The sad part is that 90% of those women don't even have a clue that they have it until they start trying to have children. Luckily, there is treatment. I was put on Metformin, a medication that is also prescribed for diabetes, and started seeing an improvement in my symptoms, but we still didn't conceive. At that point we decided to take the next step into fertility treatments. I was on Clomid for 8 cycles, and still had no luck! I was physically and mentally beaten down, because I knew that if the Clomid didn't work that there wasn't much hope for getting pregnant without seriously ivasive fertility treatments. So from the end of 2008 until the beginning of 2010 we just let nature take it's course, and finally around April I got a positive test! I was ecstatic, it was the answer to my prayers, the miracle I had been hoping for. I scheduled a doctor's visit and they did blood work, and within two days I got a call from the office saying that my HcG levels were so low that the pregnancy wasn't viable, and it ended in miscarriage. After what seemed to be the light in a dark room was snuffed out, I was so depressed that I didn't even want to discuss having children, and didn't want to be around my friends who had children, or were at the time pregnant. In August of 2008 my sister in law gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, who then became my hope. Being able to babysit and be around to experience him growing just gave me the will to push on and try again. Without seeing a doctor my husband and I started trying again at the beginning of 2011. On Adam's birthday June 30th, after having some strange sickness and signs, I took a pregnancy test and got a very faint but clearly positive results. Again, I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. I called my entire family and told them, and even posted a picture of the test on facebook. I just thought that if I told everyone I knew, that it would stick. Unfortunately, it didn't. I was disapointed but I was bound and determined not to let it ruin me this time. I went on to the doctor, and after running several tests they found that I have MTHFR C677T Single mutation, which is fancy talk for a corrupt gene that can cause miscarriages. So now that we know what has been holding us back, maybe now we can beat this thing.
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